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Whether you want more space at home, are moving or want to set more sustainable goals for yourself, we have the tips and tricks! Explore the Flexistore blog today.

Why sustainability

Why sustainability?

Sustainability is a theme around which we at Flexistore base all our operations. A central part of our sustainability strategy is to offer the most environmentally friendly

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5 tips for quarantine activities

5 tips for quarantine activities

5 productive (and unproductive) things you can use the quarantine period for The last few weeks have been strongly affected by the coronavirus (Covid-19). We must follow the authorities' advice

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Self storage offers endless possibilities

Our vision in Flexistore is to help people live easier and have more space in life for what is absolutely necessary in everyday life. With self storage available, you can even more easily share equipment with others via digital key to the storage unit, you can quickly place furniture in storage if you want to rent out the apartment while you travel, and you can simply live smaller while you have immediate and 24 / 7 access to things you may need from your storage.

By making key sharing even easier, and completely digital through the app, we encourage more reuse, recycling and donation of things you may not really need, or things you realize others may need more.

The possibilities for what you can use a storage unit for are endless, and in this blog we share some of our ideas with you. Do you have your own ideas or do you want to write a short blog post about the possibilities self storage offers, you can contact us!

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Download the app to complete

To complete your order, download our app and log in. The app is also your digital key to use the warehouse